Thursday, July 23, 2015

5 Ways To Feel Good About Yourself (And Get Appreciated In Your Office)

You work hard. But your boss does not see that. You have been working for this company for years, but not many have any idea about who you are, and what you do in this company. Sometimes, you wish you could transform yourself and show to the people who you are. Well, I am here to help.

In this short post, I am going to share with you 5 tips to feel good and get appreciated in office or wherever you are. So, are you ready? I bet you are.

Hit the gym

I know what you are just thinking about – see I have not lost my mind. I am pretty much clear about what I am telling you to do. Hit the gym for a week and see the magic it begins to create in and around you.

Just one hour a day is what I am asking you to do; in return, I promise you a life that would be so much different, so much exciting. Am I asking for a lot?

Get a new haircut and some new clothes

Your hair makes up a big part of your looks. So work on them. Go to a nice saloon and get yourself a trendy haircut, something people cannot stop but notice and appreciate.

Clothes, should I need to tell you how big difference they bring to one’s personality?

Take your friend or family member along and shop for a couple of formals and casuals. And yes, do not forget to buy 2 pairs of shoes.

Take up a corporate CPR training course

How many of your colleagues can be of some help if someone in your company gets an heart attack or needs immediate care? Think.

Most of us working in corporates are good at our work. But when it comes to life saving skills, we hardly know a thing. So, I urge you to look for corporate training courses in India and take up a short term course that can help you learn the basic lifesaving skills.

You never know when your skills would be needed.

Many hospitals run corporate training courses in India.

You can also take up a communication / public speak course and improve the way you present your ideas or converse.

Be proactive

I assume that you work smartly in your company and you do not give your boss any good reason to get angry about you.

Now I want you to be a little proactive.

You are active when your boss tells you to do something and you do that. You are proactive when you know something needs to be done, and you do that even before your boss says so. Be proactive.

Say good morning, every morning

So, every day you meet someone of your office in the lift? And you do not look at him. Even if you do, you do not say anything.

From the next morning onward, I want you to see this ‘meeting in lift’ as an opportunity to build your network with those who work in your office, or other offices in the building. You do not need to continue this conversation for minutes, just a simple good morning will do.

You’d be surprised how this simple thing help you talk better with your colleagues.

We have a lot more to share with you on this topic. And therefore, we have planned to write down a series of posts on this. So, check us back often for more updates on ‘how to feel good about yourself and get appreciated’; we will also write down a couple of posts on the institutions you can go for affordable and certified corporate training courses in India.

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